domenica 3 agosto 2008

Blue Mood and Color Blocks

When I feel a bit down, there's nothing better than a colorful outfit to cheer me up. I don't usually mix prints, but I love to play with color blocks. The trend is quite popular right now, no matter what is your budget:

Hervé Léger



Pringle 1815

(all the above, available on

(all the above, from Forever21)

The dress I'm wearing today is actually a knock-off I bought last year for almost nothing. I don't usually buy knock-off items and this is not my favorite dress, but the colors are nice and it's an easy choice for hot summer days (and believe me, we're melting here today!!)

19 commenti:

Sharon ha detto...

A great background for your dress-I like it!! Loving the DKNY dress too!

Meg ha detto...

I love this idea, it reminds me of that outfit Carrie wore on SATC once
...when I used to love her hair.

The Aquascutum is divine, and you look adorable!

roxanne ha detto...

that aquascutum dress is my favorite, hands-down. great blog.

The Freelancer's FashionBlog ha detto...

Your block colours look good against your wall (as usual). I like te Pringle1815 dress too.

Anonimo ha detto...

I don't like DK but that dress is lovely.
Sorry, what is a knock off outfit?

AlicePleasance ha detto...

@ meg: I love that outfit too :-)

@ lori: a "knock off dress" is (or at least I intend it as) an inexpensive copy of a high priced/designer dress ;-)

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse ha detto...

I love all these color blocks and yours might be best of all!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse ha detto...

P.S. I can't wait to see that harlequin-esque dress you mentioned.

Sam ha detto...

the dress looks great on you! I love color blocks.

Times of Glory ha detto...

Colour blocking is gorgeous! Dear, you are like a modern Princess! I love your dress a lot xxxxxxxxx

Silje ha detto...

aah, love the Aquascutum dress

Siljesfashion ha detto...

I think your dress looks cool. Want the last one from Forever21!

Arielle ha detto...

ooo I love the first 2 dresses.

A BIT COQUETTISH ha detto...

i love the herve leger dress! very cute!

please visit my blog & comment! =]

Anonimo ha detto...

I love color block too ! I really like the top with the braided strap.

yiqin; ha detto...

Color block dresses are awesome! & I love yours! Love your pose as well.

Thu ha detto...

i absolutely love the DKNY dress. that bit of green is just perfect.

Anonimo ha detto...

oo i love this trend! your's is great!

Stitches & Threads ha detto...

Oh I love the colours inthe Aquascutum dress - so autumnal - my favourite season :)