"I Am Love tells the story of the wealthy Recchi family, whose lives are undergoing sweeping changes. Eduardo Sr., the family patriarch, has decided to name a successor to the reigns of his massive industrial company, surprising everyone by splitting power between his son Tancredi, and grandson Edo. But Edo dreams of opening a restaurant with his friend Antonio, a handsome and talented chef. At the heart of the family is Tancredi's wife Emma (Tilda Swinton), a Russian immigrant who has adopted the culture of Milan. An adoring and attentive mother, her existence is shocked to the core when she falls quickly and deeply in love with Edo's friend and partner Antonio, and embarks on a passionate love affair that will change her family forever."
Directed by Luca Guadagnino, the movie features a marvellous Tilda Swinton whom ladylike outfits - all custom designed by Raf Simons of Jil Sander - will surely fascinate you...
Don't miss it!
Photos courtesy of Magnolia Pictures.
31 commenti:
Love this movie so much, such amazing photography and the Edo's character actor is also a friend of mine, we grew up in the same town!
I want to see this film! it looks intriguing!! Thanks for sharing!
Tilda Swinton mi piace sempre molto. Devo vedere questo film!
Wow, I definately won't!
Splendide :)
Thanks for the tip! I am crazy about Italy! Nice to know about this cool movie!
Bellissimo. Una Tilda Swinton fantastica, come sempre, e anche tutto il resto non è da meno! Complimenti a Guadagnino, bel lavoro.
oh wow! i just got the soundtrack to this movie (the music on the trailer is one of my favorite pieces!!) i've been wanting to see the movie... i'm glad you though it was good :-)
Tra attori favolosi e mise spettacolari questo film è decisamente da vedere!
Mi piace molto la linea del tuo blog, posso aggiungerlo ai links del mio giocodidonne.blogspot.com ?
dalla tua recensione mi ispira molto questo film! :) anche gli attori mi piacciono molto!
Looks like a great movie!!! I think I just found out what we are going to do on this rainy night!!
Come check out the earrings I am giving away!!!
Tilda is a magic actress and I really love her style! Great pics!
I really want to see it now. Thank you !
Have a cupcake filled weekend - it's the only way !!!
Wow that inspiring pictures! I want to watch it now! Thanks for sharing...
Stupendo film!l'ho visto 3 volte
I'm glad you recommend b/c I think I'm going to see it. I loved your rec for Stealing Beauty.
Holy Schnikes! This Movie Looks Amazing! And What A Perfect Trailer (I Love Movie Trailers). Thanks For The Post!
Raised By Wolves
Wow Tilda looks so different here!
didn't see it
thanks..I will
I want to see this, thanks for sharing!
red color was dressy always
I want to see this film! it looks intriguing!! Thanks for sharing!
Tilda in purple - wonderful stuff!
i've been wanting to see that sooo badly -- im a huge tilda swinton fan
tilda non l ho maiiii vista cosi…!
Sounds like a great movie! Thanks for sharing!
London Last Night
Mi piace tantissimo questo film, lei è stupenda.
WONDERFUL Post.thanks for share..
so beautiful and amazing pics.
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