sabato 10 luglio 2010

It's personal

I usually don't write about my private life, at least not often, but during my blogging hiatus I did some things I still consider a bit unusual for me and I'm still going through all of this. My birthday will be in two months, and this year it will mark a turning point. I don't know exactly what is happening but lately I feel so different from the old faithful me. As soon as I started realizing it I thought it was a sort early - hey, I'm just turning 30! - middle age crisis and I was a bit worried about it, but now...well I'm starting to enjoy this new me.

I'm still the girl people can count on, but I wanna have fun and for the first time in my life I don't feel too guilty for this.

Weird to say, but all this started when I decided to buy...a bike!

Just because this is usually considered a sort of fashion blog (and after almost three years I'm still quite skeptical) and I don't feel confortable with posts without photos, bust most of all because I guess you don't want to hear my silly ramblings without a visual reward, here are some inspirational pics of stylish ladies on a bike. All from The Sartorialist, of course.

I don't know what will happen this summer, but I'm so looking forward to discover it...

8 commenti:

The Fashion Bible ha detto...

I am always fascinated by Italian girls on bikes. They make cycling with dresses (ciggies optional) look so effortless and beautiful. I am sure you will not be an exception! Go get your bicycle!

Stéphanie ha detto...

So fabulous pictures !

Robin ha detto...

I to am going through something simular so I defintely understand what your talking about, there is so much life, love and adventures to be had why hold back, may your bike lead you down many, many exciting paths

iole ha detto...

mi piace moltissimo il primo look!

Kelly ha detto...

You deserve to have fun once in a while!! And lovely photos of fashionable ladies on bikes!

<3 Kelly

sioux ha detto...

Ciao dolcissima cupcake! vorrei farti gli auguri in anticipo per il tuoi splendidi 30anni, li porti da dio, i tuoi post e lo stile del tuo blog fa intendere che hai uno spirito limpido e sereno che ti aiuterà molto andando avanti con gli anni, ti seguo sempre e ti sono molto vicina, continua così che vai benissimo! tua collega blogger ormai 42enne Siuox!

Greetz from Tiz ha detto...

Cara Anna, sei una splendida trentenne! Non temere, ci sono passata e non cambia niente! Enjoy life!
ps.pronta per il Summer?

image consultants new york ha detto...

I love the dresses. They look so comfy & cute.
Hope you'll have a wonderful 2011.
Keep smiling. :)