martedì 26 febbraio 2008

This Is Not A Movie.

Everytime a tv series you love (and you know, I'm an addicted...) comes to an end it's a bittersweet pain. The end of an era. It's not a movie, not a "one night stand", a 2 hours flirt, this is true love! It's all about time, here.
A movie could have a sequel, a series has nothing more than a farewell. You watch your beloved characters, their lives season after season knowing they (and you too...) will NEED a conclusion one day but at the same time you try to forget it. And when the end comes, it must be perfect. When a series becomes a myth you need a perfect goodbye to make it real forever.

Like millions of girls around the world, I hearted Sex & The City. We all need a fairytale sometimes and SATC was, and still is, a perfect one for me.
They shot three different, alternative endings (here, here and here), and then they chosen the love. Even if I can be cynical sometimes and not always I believe in happy endings, I was pleased of it.

Now, maybe I'm the only one, I'm not excited at all about the movie. I'm scared. And everytime a new trailer is released (I tried not to watch the new, full-lenght one, but I can't...) I feel strange, a bit depressed in a certain way, even if I don't know exactly why. I don't have any kind of expectations, I'll probably like the outfits (huge budget + 2 hours length = infinite possibilities...), maybe the "new Cinderella" story too - who knows it? - but the point is this movie is a sort of betrayal for me.
After four years of abstinence, I'm not sure I need a 2 hours flirt. I'm not sure I need to make the myth real. Not again at least...

5 commenti:

Selina (Flying Saucer) ha detto...

totally agree, i'm really dubious

Wendy ha detto...

I haven't followed Sex & the City, so I don't know if I should watch the movie.

Guerreira ha detto...

I know...I also feel quite emotional about SATC! Hope the film is not horrible...

etta ha detto...

I can't wait that SATC will come to cinemas! :) Hopely it will be as great as the series!

Unknown ha detto...

Yeah, here in LA there was talk about several of the "popular" tv shows might be canceled after the writers strike due to fallen ratings and disinterest after so long!

...yeah, the whispering is that this is going to bomb...I HOPE NOT!

Since I don't watch t.v. I haven't seen any of the previews...I'm sure I'll end up renting it on DVD.